Bev aisbett wikipedia
Bev aisbett wikipedia english...
cartoonist, illustrator and writer, was a regular illustrator for Terry Lane’s column in the Sunday Age 1991-93 and has illustrated various publications for Macmillan Publishers and Curriculum Corporation, along with Penguin, Thomas Nelson and others.
Her US edition of Mutt Mobiles , published in 1993, stated she was a widely published cartoonist and illustrator of a range of books and pamphlets, as well as regularly drawing comic strips for magazines.
Bev aisbett wikipedia
She did graphics in Overland , e.g. 135 (1994) 5 (manuscripts and wimminuscripts), 20 (woman typing flowers); 139 (1995); & 'Roget’s insomnia’ 145 (summer 1996), 9. In August 1994 she opened 'Bev Aisbett’s Ha-Ha Gallery of Comic Art’ in Gasworks Park, 15 Graham Street, Albert Park Vic 3206.
'Aisbett and Allison ', cartoonists and caricaturists, were listed on the net in 1998 at Charnwood Crescent, St Kilda Vic 3182.
Taming the Black Dog: A guide to overcoming Depression , published in 2000,