Viktor shvaiko artist quotes

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    Viktor shvaiko artist quotes on life

    Journey to the West

    An Abridged Autobiography by Viktor Shvaiko

    I was born on August 23, 1965, to Valentina Anatolievna, an economist, and Yevgeniy Mifodievich, an engineer. I have two sisters; Yelena, born in 1962 and Tatiana, born in 1973.

    My childhood was very colorful, though not all sugar-and-honey.

    By the age of seven, I had undergone five foot surgeries, and I had to spend almost a year in hospitals. The rehabilitation treatment was long and arduous.

    Viktor shvaiko artist quotes

  • Viktor shvaiko artist quotes on life
  • Artist quotes on creativity
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  • Viktor shvaiko artist quotes on nature
  • At the age of twelve, I entered the Junior Art School. In Russia, after eighth grade, you can either continue education at high school or learn a trade at the vocational schools. I did not have a single moment of hesitation; I saw my future at the Specialized School of Art.

    When the list of those accepted to the school was announced after the exams, I was sitting at the last desk in back of the room. I remember very clearly thinking, "If I am not on the list, my life is over." You cannot imagine my happiness when my nam