Prince hughes biography

  • Prince hughes biography
  • Prince hughes biography

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    Prince-Hughes, Dawn 1964-

    PERSONAL: Born 1964; daughter of Ron (a heating and air-conditioning serviceman) and Joyce (a homemaker) Prince; companion to Tara Hughes (an English professor); children: one son.

    Education: Earned Ph.D. (anthropology).

    ADDRESSES: Offıce—Western Washington University, 516 High St., Bellingham, WA 98225-9009.

    CAREER: Western Washington University, Bellingham, adjunct professor of anthropology.

    Previously worked as part-time researcher at Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, WA. Has also worked as an exotic dancer.


    Gorillas among Us: A Primate Ethnographer's Book of Days, University of Arizona Press (Tucson, AZ), 2001.

    (Author and compiler) Aquamarine Blue 5: PersonalStories of College Students with Autism, Swallow Press/Ohio University Press (Athens, OH), 2002.

    Songs of the Gorilla Nation: My Journey throughAutism, Harmony Books (New York, NY), 2004.

    SIDELIGHTS: Dawn Prince-Hughes is a high-school dropout who overcame adver