Sheikh adnan kabbani naqshbandi books
Sheikh adnan kabbani naqshbandi books list...
Sheikh adnan kabbani naqshbandi books
Adab To Remove Difficulties
Maulana Shaykh Nazim said that there are situations and problems, in which no amount of worship, no amount of do’a, no amount of praying (beseeching), no amount of charity, no amount of visiting Maqams, can solve – the do’a will not be lifted up, and the problem will not be solved by Allah Almighty.
Make niyyah (intention) as to the problem you wish for Allah to solve in performing this practice, then recite the following:
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
3 times Kalimah Shahadat (Ashadu an Lailaha Ilallah, wa Ashadu Anna Muhammadan Rasulullah)
Astaghfirullah, 70 times
Then make presentation, the Naqshbandi Ihda, ila sharafin nabi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa hadrati ustadhi ustadhina wa siddiqiyun, Al-Fatiha.
1 time
Then sit and continue reciting Astaghfirullah, 300 times
For couples who wish to conceive, they must, in addition to the adab above, also make an intention, that when the wife is pregnant, they wil