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    Doris pilkington garimara interview tips

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  • Escaping Assimilation: The True Journey Along the Rabbit-Proof Fence

    Indigenous Girls' Epic Trek Across Australia

    In 1931, three young Aboriginal girls embarked on a remarkable journey across the Australian outback, defying the government's forced assimilation policies.

    Molly, Daisy, and Gracie, aged 14, 11, and 8 respectively, were taken from their families and placed in the Moore River Native Settlement as part of Australia's "Stolen Generations" program. Their daring escape and subsequent 1,500-mile trek home along the rabbit-proof fence became a powerful symbol of resistance against oppressive government policies.

    The girls' incredible story inspired Doris Pilkington's book "Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence" and the subsequent 2002 film "Rabbit-Proof Fence." These works brought international attention to the plight of Aboriginal children forcibly removed from their families.

    The rabbit-proof fence, originally built to keep rabbits out of farming areas, served