Louis macneice autobiography poem formation
Autobiography poem template...
Louis macneice autobiography poem formation
Gerard Manley Hopkins and Louis MacNeice
William Adamson,
Ulm, Germany.
This Lecture was delivered at Hopkins Literary Festival July 2003
The word "transcendence" has a number of meanings depending on context (religious, philosophical, mathematical, etc.).
Willliam Adamson examines poetry of Louis MacNeice and Gerard Manley Hopkins.
My talk today is the offspring of a paper I had started to prepare last year for the Gerard Manley Hopkins Festival the theme of which, as those of you who were here will remember, was "otherness" in Hopkins' poetry.
For one reason or another I didn't manage to finish the paper in time and promised to put things right this year. Now the only problem there was that I already had two thirds of the paper on Hopkins, MacNeice and "otherness" planned and the prospect of sitting down and starting again on a theme for this year which might well be totally unrelated to either MacNeice, MacNeice and Hopki